"It is nice to believe that the world is simple and that we can easily get high-quality answers to our questions. But in fact our world is mostly very complex, and we don't understand it well. The bottom line is that we need to spend more time helping people understand and deal with complexity and less time concocting dumbing down mechanisms." — Dan Ariely

Making decisions is a skill – anyone can get better at it by learning some of the ways experts have found for improving decision-making skills that contribute to better choices and better outcomes.  The courses and seminars listed below have foundational content kept current through new research in these areas, as well as many practical examples. Training isn’t limited to items listed - please enquire concerning other topics or tailoring not listed.


DA: Overview of Decision Analysis

- 1 Day

“What do I do when I don’t know what to do?”

We can’t control the future but we can influence it. This seminar reviews the initial insights that launched the decision analysis discipline up to the most current research on how a person can be a clearer thinker and better decision maker with better outcomes, at work and in every other area of choice-making.

DA: Making Decisions and Taking Risks

- 3 Days

This course introduces the basic tools used by decision analysts, starting with identifying opportunities, framing correctly, protecting against biases, then to incorporating intangibles, uncertainties, opinions, and finally to getting insights and their sensitivities. The result is higher-quality decisions and commitments to action.

Leadership: Making Decisions for Others

- Half Day

There are many qualities that enhance a leader’s effectiveness: humility, empathy, a servant attitude, and other traits. In the end, a leader is judged by the quality of decisions that are made that impact those that are following. This seminar is offered regularly in leadership seminar series for different organizations.

Product and Service Innovation

- 3 Days

The rate of change in both product and service offerings has accelerated over the past four years. How a company communicates with the marketplace has changed, as well. This seminar explains how to build market-based decision models that capture what customers prefer, how they make choices, and how to increase the chances of creating and offering a successful new venture.

Current Business Analytics Overview

- 1 Day

The analytics available to decision makers has changed significantly over the past 20 years with the introduction of more computer-intensive methods. The underlying models and the assumptions that make them valid have stayed pretty constant. This overview looks at both.