
Risk-Based Prioritization: 

No organization has the resources to do everything that needs to be done all at once; some projects and investments are more important than others, especially when these projects have to do with managing organizational risks.  DCG can create prioritization models based on attributes you care about to help guide where to allocate your time and money.

Supply Chain Management: Change, Process, Strategy, Systems & Transitions: 

Identifying, evaluating, and implementing new work and decision processes such as supply chain management systems, can be expensive and disruptive. Decision analytic modeling tools can be used to aid decision makers by making explicit and visible the objectives, uncertainties , and timeline for a risk-managed changeover.

New Ventures: 

Valuation modeling and monitoring tools make explicit defining, identifying, and quantifying the key components contributing to new venture evaluation, oversight, and management. Using value functions, probability, real-options type framing, combined with prediction and expectation models, supports decision makers finding the best path forward in new ventures.

Multi-Attribute Value Models: 

Risk is the possibility of an adverse impact on something a person values. Characterizing value is fundamental to identifying and quantifying both risk and rewards, and value is rarely single-dimensional. Multi-attribute utility analysis (MUA) identifies, structures, and quantifies values so they can be explicitly included in decision modeling

DecisionPoint Consulting Group (DCG) uses decision analysis tools that provide insights into complex and uncertain decision challenges in Supply Chain Management, Marine Quality Assurance, Government, and more.  These tools can help organizations’:

  • Framing Decisions

  • Protect against biases

  • Review and analyze alternatives

  • Quantitative modeling such as decision analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical models

  • Processes to convert analysis into action.